W czwartek 24 lutego 2022 roku wydarzyła się rzecz straszna: Rosja w sposób otwarty i brutalny wypowiedziała wojnę i najechała Ukrainę. W tym tragicznym dniu przesyłamy wyrazy solidarności wszystkim mieszkankom i mieszkańcom Ukrainy, w tym pisarkom i pisarzom związanym z naszym Wydawnictwem Warstwy, nominowanym do Literackiej Nagrody Europy Środkowej Angelus, i tym wszystkim, których książki jeszcze nie doczekały się polskich przekładów. Z bólem wsłuchujemy się w doniesienia o atakach na kolejne ukraińskie miasta, w tym te dwa nam szczególnie bliskie: Odessę i Lwów, miasta znajdujące się, podobnie jak Wrocław, w Sieci Miast Kreatywnych UNESCO jako Miasta Literatury.
Jak powiedziała wczoraj noblistka Olga Tokarczuk, atak na wolną Ukrainę jest atakiem na Europę.
Nie wiemy czy to może pomóc, na pewno nie zaszkodzi, jeśli w tym trudnym dla Ukrainy czasie będziemy częściej niż zwykle sięgać po ukraińską kulturę, w tym książki:
A jeżeli chcecie inaczej wesprzeć Ukrainę, poniżej adresy i nr kont bankowych. Opublikował je Szczepan Twardoch, sam z kolei informacje te otrzymał od swojego tłumacza, Остап Українець.
Ukrainian charities: a guide for international supporters
Ukrainian civil society primarily counters Russian aggression via donation to charities, some of which support the Ukrainian Army directly, and some of which provide help in other areas of civil society. If you, as a non-Ukrainian, wish to help us defend the borders of Europe, your help is always appreciated!
The charities listed below are divided into three categories: those which support field medics and combat medicine, those which support the army with supplies, including weapons, and all-purpose charities/charities where helping the army is only one area. If you are against supporting any army on principle, please consider donating to the last category.
NOTE: unfortunately, the non-military charities are also the charities mostly targeted at Ukrainian society locally rather than the Diaspora and therefore usually have no international payment details. I will be asking them for international payment details and update this document accordingly. Two present exceptions are the last charities on the list, EverybodyCan and OpenEyes, so if you want to help non-military charities – skip there.
Update: Adding proxy charities as a category – large-scale UN relief programs that work with Ukrainian charities.
Update 2: The Ukrainian National Bank now has an official account to help the army.
Ukrainian National Bank – Official Account For Army Support
Official payment details: UA843000010000000047330992708
In hrn:
Банк: Національний банк України
МФО 300001
Рахунок № UA843000010000000047330992708
код ЄДРПОУ 00032106
Отримувач: Національний банк України
Account: 400807238
383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA
Account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Bank of England, London
Account: 40000982
Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK
Account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Account: 5040040066
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany
Account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Field medics/Combat medicine charities
The Hospitaliers
Website: https://www.facebook.com/hospitallers/
Purpose: volunteer field medics battalion, training, supplies
Open financial records: no, but regular photo updates. Probably the most popular charity for direct help to combat medics, well-known and trustworthy.
Payment details in English: yes
The Volunteer Hundred
Website: https://www.facebook.com/VolonterSotnja/?ref=page_internal
Purpose: rehab of soldiers in hospitals, help to those returning to war
Open financial records: no, but regular individual reports by members on their own pages. Long-standing group, trustworthy.
Payment details in English: none, please write to their Facebook account for current details
Iryna Guk and Oleksiy Sikharulidze
Website: https://www.facebook.com/iryna.guk, https://www.facebook.com/alexey.sikharulidze
Purpose: private individuals providing medical materiel, well-known and trustworthy.
Open financial records: no, but regular reports.
Payment details in English: yes – as these are private individuals, one can use a service such as TransferWise for private transactions to the following cards:
Oleksiy Sikharulidze, 5457082237766501 (NOTE: presently blocked due to too many contributions! Good indication of them working well XD)
Oleksiy Sikharulidze, 4731185611071785
Army materiel support
Website: https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate/
Purpose: provide the army with necessary materiel, large-scale
Open financial records: yes
Payment details in English: yes
Army SOS
Website: https://armysos.com.ua/en/help-the-army
Purpose: Materiel support, primarily tech (radios, drones, datapads, whatnot)
Open financial records: yes, in Ukrainian
Payment details in English: yes
Diana Makarova’s FOND
Website: https://www.facebook.com/fondDM/posts/1615417812050324
Purpose: small-scale army materiel support, covering what is needed right now but is difficult for larger charities to handle. Based in Central Ukraine.
Open financial reports: not to the best of my knowledge, but regular updates to activities on Facebook. Have been active since 2014, trustworthy
Payment details in English: yes
Roman Donik’s Volunteer Group
Website: http://groupdonik.com/kak-pomoch.html
Purpose: small-scale materiel support, another long-standing small volunteer group. Based in Eastern Ukraine.
Open financial records: not to the best of my knowledge, but regular updates to activities on their websites. Have been active since very early in the war, trustworthy
Payment details in English: yes, partially. First SWIFT account is dollars, second is Euro.
Charities not linked/partially linked to the war effort
Humanitarian mission “Proliska”
Website: https://www.facebook.com/proliskamission, https://proliska.org/help-mission/
Purpose: evacuation and support of civilians from war zone, especially of people in government institutions e.g. orphanages, hospitals, housing for internally-displaced refugees
Open financial records: no, but regular reports on Facebook page/website, well-known and trustworthy
Payment details in English: not presently, write for international transfer details
Ukrainian Women’s Guard
Website: https://uavarta.org/vnesok/
Purpose: Preparing women for extreme situations, especially under conditions of war, training, rehabilitation of veterans, legal aid
Open financial records: not to the best of my knowledge, regular reports on Facebook/webpage. Well-known, trustworthy.
Payment details in English: No, ask for international transfer details
Website: https://www.facebook.com/cf.svoyi/?ref=page_internal
Purpose: CoVid and other medical aid, esp. buying oxygen and palliative care.
Open financial records: Not to the best of my knowledge, but regular reports on their website and on the page of the organizer, Lesya Litvinova (https://www.facebook.com/LitvinovaLesya). Well-known and trustworthy.
Payment details in English: No, ask Lesya Litvinova for international transfer details
The Kyiv Independent
Website: https://kyivindependent.com/about/
Purpose: Not a charity, but a revival of the Kyiv Post after new owners decided to turn the previous best Ukrainian English-language newsletter into something unrecognizable. The entire newsroom left and started their own paper, sponsored by readers. The Kyiv Independent is an outstanding source of news on Ukraine with high standards of journalism, and supporting them is an excellent way to support Ukrainian civil society.
Payment details in English: yes, via Patreon and GoFundMe.
Everybody Can
Website: www.everybodycan.com.ua, https://www.facebook.com/everybody.can.ua
Purpose: medical and social help for disabled children, internally-displaced elderly persons
Open financial records: not that I can presently see, but regular reports on website/Facebook. Well-known, long-standing, trustworthy.
Payment details in English: yes, in description on Facebook sidebar (unroll to find)
Website: https://openeyes.org.ua/en/projects
Purpose: many different projects, including education, health, and so on. OpenEyes also collects financing for military projects, but supporters can choose a particular project and donate to that project alone. Many successfully funded projects.
Open financial records: None that I can see at present – possibly?
Payment details in English: on the website of each project page separately.
Proxy charities:
The Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Website: https://www.unocha.org/ukraine/donor-contributions
Purpose: UN financing instrument – humanitarian assistance to civilians, sending funds to local charities, including Proliska.
Open financial records: yes
Payment details in English: yes, bottom of page – look for the link for individual donors.
UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)
Website: https://donate.unhcr.org/int/en/winter-2021-v2
Purpose: Non-directed relief for refugees, but finance some Ukrainian charities.
Open financial records: yes
Payment details in English: yes.